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A selection of successful campaigns in which Jean Rogers has played a significant part...​


Many of these campaigns have set the standard for the future and others are ongoing projects which, as Councillor, Jean seeks to continue and develop further.  Click on the icon to the left of each campaign for further details...

Jean is on the board of BECS, the British Equity Collecting Society, which she voted to be set up in 1998.  She was proud to be its Chairman from 2008 -2014 attending International Collecting Society meetings in Toronto, Brussels, Scotland, Amsterdam and Athens.

Both Equity and BECS champion the rights of performers and were represented at the historic meeting of WIPO in Beijing where rights were granted at last to audio-visual performers by Christine Payne, Andrew Yeates and Jean.

Extended interview at the Beijing Treaty on Audiovisual Performances

Arts Funding

Equity at the Labour Party Conference with speeches by Jean Rogers and Helen Goodman...

Readable End Credits

Jean has campaigned since 1998 for readable end credits, particularly against the scrunching up of them into the corner of the screen...

Gender and Age Issues

2009 FIA Report on Performers Employment
2010 FIA Handbook Engendering Change
Petition for Equal Representation of Women in TV/Film Drama
BBC Diversity Report

In 2012, Jean gave evidence to this Report on behalf of Equity using many views from the Equity Viewers' Petition...


Jean chaired a Mini Working Party for four years comprising Roger Martin, Alan Thompson and John Webb, which modernised the old Commercials agreement and sought to identify all new media in advertising, with renewed talks after years of stalemate with the IPA.  One of the outcomes has been an agreed ADF.

The Stage: Equity warns advertisers over inappropriate casting questions...
Equity Concerned With Commercials Auditions...
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